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International payments

We offer special benefits to our clients if they use the services of Raiffeisen banka for international transactions and effect payments within the Raiffeisen Group. 

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Payment benefits with Raiffeisen banka

Fast and efficient payment order processing
Expertise and professional support/advice
Competitive and simple fees
Submitting payment orders electronically
Effecting payment orders without additional documents
Cheaper and faster payments within Raiffeisen Group


BIC code              Naziv banke
SGSBALTX          Raiffeisen Bank Sh.a., Tirana, Albanija
RZBAATWW       Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Austrija
RVSAAT2S          Raiffeisenverband Salzburg, Austrija
RLNWATWW     Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich-Wien, Austrija
RZOOAT2L         Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich, Austrija
RZTIAT22           Raiffeisenlandesbank Tirol, Austrija
SLHYAT2S          Salzburger Landes-Hypothekenbank, Austrija
RVVGAT2B        Raiffeisenlandesbank Vorarlberg, Austrija
PJCBBY2X         Priorbank JSC, Minsk, Belorusija
RZBABA2S        Raiffeisen Bank d.d Bosna i Hercegovina, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
RZBBBGSF        Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) E.A.D., Sofia, Bugarska
RZBCCZPP        Raiffeisenbank a.s., Prague, Češka
RZBHHR2X        Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., Zagreb
UBRTHUHB       Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Budapest, Mađarska
RZOODE77       RLB Zweigniederlassung Süddeutschland, Nemačka
RZBRROBU       Raiffeisen Bank S.A., Bucharest, Rumunija 
RZBMRUMM     AO Raiffeisenbank, Moscow
TATRSKBX        Tatra banka a.s., Bratislava. Slovačka 
RBKOXKPR        Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo J.S.C., Priština, Srbija
RZBSRSBG        Raiffeisen banka a.d., Belgrade, Srbija
AVALUAUK        Raiffeisen Bank Aval JSC, Kiev, Ukrajina 




The bank will process payment orders for beneficiaries in a member state of the European Union, in amounts up to EUR 50,000.00, which the bank receives until the time foreseen for payment order acceptance in accordance with the bank’s current Fees Tariff for payment services, on the same date by issuing a payment order to the correspondent bank abroad with value date D + 2 or the agreed date. 

The bank of the beneficiary will approve the beneficiary’s account in accordance with its business policy. Payment orders received after the time foreseen for payment order acceptance will be processed on the following workday in the manner described above.

The bank’s client can make international payments in the payment currency from his/her foreign currency account. In case the payment is effected in a currency different than the currency on the foreign currency account, the bank will perform a currency conversion of the necessary amount using the purchase and sales exchange rate for foreign currency. The client can also effect the international payment by purchasing the necessary foreign currency funds from the bank.

In case the beneficiary did not receive the funds in accordance with the aforesaid procedure or the client had objections to some other aspect of the transaction effected, the bank is at the disposal to inspect the problem on the basis of a description in writing and to inform the client as regards the causes and the steps undertaken to solve the complaint.  

Important information – Payments

U skladu sa obaveštenjem koje smo primili od korespondentne banke, devizna plaćanja u korist primaoca u Indiji moraju da sadrže šifru osnova plaćanja.Molimo vas da podatak unosite u polje Detalji plaćanja kako sledi: Šifra osnova – vrednost iz tabele u prilogu, a zatim ostale detalje koje inače navodite.

U skladu sa obaveštenjem Centralne banke Malezije, devizna plaćanja u korist primaoca u Maleziji, moraju da sadrže osnov plaćanja, odnosno POP code. Molimo vas da podatak unosite u polje Detalji plaćanja kako sledi: POP code – vrednost iz tabele u prilogu, a zatim ostale detalje ukoliko je neophodno (koje inače navodite).Primer: POP code – 04000, invoice 1309/2022

Prema zahtevu Centralne banke Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata (UAE), za plaćanja prema UAE obavezan je unos svrhe plaćanja u obliku  POP code-a u prvom redu polja Detalji plaćanja. Podatak treba uneti uneti u sledećem formatu   /BENEFRES/AE//XXX/, pri cemu je XXX slovna oznaka svrhe plaćanja, odnosno POP code, koji uvek ima tri karaktera (lista je dostupna na internet stranici naše banke u delu Međunarodna plaćanja). Ostali detalji plaćanja se mogu naći u sledećim redovima polja. Primer popunjenog polja Detalji plaćanja nalazi se u prilogu: /BENEFRES/AE//TCP/ Invoice no 156/2020 Ukoliko u nalogu ne bude naveden obavezan POP code u zahtevanom formatu , ino banke mogu naplatiti dodatne troškove realizacije naloga, odnosno odbiti izvršenje naloga.

Poštovani,U skladu sa najnovijim obaveštenjem koje smo dobili, za plaćanja prema Bahreinu obavezan je unos svrhe plaćanja u obliku  POP code-a u prvom redu polja Detalji plaćanja.Podatak treba uneti uneti u sledećem formatu   //BENEFRES/BH//XXX /, pri čemu je XXX slovna oznaka svrhe plaćanja, odnosno POP code.Ostali detalji plaćanja se mogu naći u sledećim redovima polja. Primer popunjenog polja Detalji plaćanja:/BENEFRES/BH//ATS/Invoice no 156/2020Listu POP codova za Bahrein možete preuzeti na linku ispod


Ovde možete pronaći odgovore na najčešće postavljena pitanja u vezi sa plaćanjem u zemlji i inostranstvu.

Please contact your Relationship Manager for all additional information.